Category Archives: Inspiring stories

Trust in God

Lester was travelling from one part of the world to another to preach the word of God.

One time he was in Melbourne Australia, and he was preaching from Sunday to Sunday at a big church.

In those days, preachers will not expect money from churches rather they will provide for themselves so, Lester Sumrall was also not given any money but the pastors family took care of their food and boarding as long as he preached in their church

Lester Sumrall already spent his $12, but he had another meeting the next day at the church which was 100 miles away from the house he was staying. On the last day, he preached at the big church, but still, he did not have the money to buy a train ticket to go to the next meeting which was scheduled the next day evening

So, he went to his room at the pastor’s house, and he didn’t sleep, but he prayed all through the night, asking God to provide him money for the ticket or else he said he will not move from that place. He told God that he should send him the train ticket to his room because he didn’t want to go to the station and enquire each and everyone whether they have bought a ticket for him.

After spending all night in weeping and praying to God, he got up in the early morning, and he got ready also packed his suitcase, briefcase, he kept his hat and overcoat on them and he said, God! I’m ready, I am ready to go as soon as you bring me the ticket, then he heard knock at his door it was the pastor’s wife she said, “Lester, your breakfast is ready” but Lester said, “thank you mom, but am busy now, I will come afterwards, and then he again went to pray on his knees after a few minutes there was another knock at his door.

The pastor’s wife said, “Lester, here is a man who wants to meet you!”

Lester said, “ok, let him in.”

There came a young man crying. Lester thought, oh lord! Am in trouble without you and he asked the young man, what’s your problem, why are you crying? Lester was also thinking he must be having some family problem that’s why he is crying but the man said sir, we know you are a rich man and Lester laugh to himself because he did not have a penny with him, yet he said yes sir and that man continued and said sir God spoke to me and said I should go to the train station and buy you tickets and he said you didn’t know the train system in our country because in our country when you’re going from one place to another in a train you need two tickets one ticket is for the train and another one is for the seat in that train so you need two tickets and God told me that you don’t know our train system and hence I should go and buy you the tickets but if this is not true then I will be in trouble please have your tickets sir Lester was crying in joy, and he said, sir, I don’t have money, but I should be at another church this evening, so I was crying and praying to God all night that he should provide me with the ticket and that’s why he has spoken to you this is God has spoken to you, sir. Don’t doubt it.

On hearing this the young man burst in tears of joy, and he grabbed the suitcase and briefcase, Lester took his court and his hat, and they both went to the railway station and when Lester got into the train they both flapped their hands in joy and said goodbye to each other

God provided him what he prayed for and God took care of his servant

This was one of the incidents from the Lester Sumrall’s life


God’s wisdom is boundless

Once a man was going through a forest and as the night drew fast he decided to sleep under a banyan tree


While he was lying under it he noticed a watermelon plant opposite to him, he laughed to himself saying, ” Look at this poor plant, it is carrying such a big fruit, and this big tree is giving very small fruits, I think God had no idea when he created them.”


He slept for a while then he felt something fell on his head, so he woke up and saw, it was the fruit from banyan tree but then suddenly he realized, “what if God would have created that watermelon on this tree and what will happen when it falls on my head?

I could have been hurt so much, it is true that God has more wisdom and I was wrong.


Great is our [majestic and mighty] Lord and abundant in strength;
His understanding is inexhaustible [infinite, boundless].

Psalm : 147:5

Mini thought

Hello my friends

There was prayer meeting in the town. Many people came forward to accept Jesus as their savior, and many miracles happened in that meeting.

And there were some devils standing outside the ground watching keenly at very people an d what they were doing after prayer was over.

They went to their head and reported about the meeting , he asked what were the people doing when they were leaving that place?

One said, i watched some of them who were joking and calling names on their friends and were laughing loud when they were coming out. Their head said, they will not be harmful for us. So no problem.

Another said, when I watched i saw few people talking about what to eat or what will they do after meeting. their head replied, they too will not cause any harm for our kingdom.

Another said , i saw few of them talking bad about the preacher and his family.their head replied, then we don’t need to do anything .

And the next said, i saw few people who were very silent and i think they were in deep thoughts in their hearts.

When their head heard this, he screamed, they are harmful for us, because the more they keep thinking about what was preached, the more they will attack us and we cannot harm them.

We must not let them remember what they heard from God.

My friends this story warns us that we must never forget the word of God which came from above to us, it is our protection and armour against all evil forces.

The song which inspired many – ‘I have decided to follow Jesus’

When God poured out His spirit in the wales revival many went to other nations to spread this good news.

And a man who was led by God to go to the east of the Indian subcontinent came to Assam, he preached to the tribal community living in the hills.

With many hardships and trials he was able to preach to a family who accepted Christ as their own saviour.

But the missionary went to another place for a short duration during which this family continued the work of spreading the good news to their neighbours, many started to follow Jesus Christ.

When the chief of that tribe heard it, he was raged with anger and ordered them to be presented in the centre of that village before the whole congregation.

The father and mother with their two children were dragged to the centre of the village.

The chief separated their children and said, ‘Come back to our religion and deny this foreign God, if you won’t obey my command then I will kill your children.’


But the father said, I have decided to follow Jesus, there is no turning back.

Hearing this the chief commanded to kill the children before their eyes.

And the chief threatened the man saying, ‘come back or I will kill your wife too’, 

He replied, though no one goes with me, I will still follow Jesus.

So the chief killed that man’s wife. 

He threatened the man to deny Jesus but he replied, though the world is behind me, the cross is before me, I will follow Jesus.

WIth great furious the chief killed him.

After some days the missionary visited the village again, and they told him what had happened to that family, but very soon the chief and the whole village accepted Christ and were baptised.


The great apostle of God, Sadhu Sundar Singh, heard this incident and wrote a song with exactly the same words that man had used.

 And today this song has travelled many miles and borders reaching the hearts of millions and has helped them to reach to their God and to love for Him.


  1. I have decided to follow Jesus;
    I have decided to follow Jesus;
    I have decided to follow Jesus;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  2. The world behind me, the cross before me;
    The world behind me, the cross before me;
    The world behind me, the cross before me;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  3. Though none go with me, still I will follow;
    Though none go with me, still I will follow;
    Though none go with me, still I will follow;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  4. My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
    My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
    My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus;
    No turning back, no turning back.
  5. Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
    Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
    Will you decide now to follow Jesus?
    No turning back, no turning back.

                                                                         – SADHU SUNDAR SINGH

Source: Wikipedia

The lyrics are based on the last words of Nokseng, a Garo man, a tribe from Meghalaya which then was in Assam, who along with his family decided to follow Jesus Christ in the middle of the 19th century through the efforts of an American Baptist missionary.

The formation of these words into a hymn is attributed to the Indian missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh. The melody is also Indian and entitled “Assam” after the region where the text originated

An American hymn editor, William Jensen Reynolds, composed an arrangement which was included in the 1959 Assembly Songbook. His version became a regular feature of Billy Graham‘s evangelistic meetings in America and elsewhere, spreading its popularity


“It just appeared on this table by accident, out of nothing”. Really?

One day Sir Issac Newton spoke with his friend about the greatness of God

His friend did not believe that God existed, so he said, I do not believe in God.

His friend went to a distant place due to some work

At that time Newton with the help of a skilled craftsman made a beautiful model of our solar system and Newton kept it in his room


After a long journey, his friend arrived at sir newton’s place and when he entered sir newton’s room, he was attracted towards this masterpiece (solar system model)

Immediately his friend said, Newton, this is tremendous who made it?

Sir Newton said, “Nobody”

His friend said, Newton, you did not hear me correctly, I asked who made this model?

Newton said, “nobody those balls and gears put themselves together and just developed into a massive solar system model in my room”

His friend asked, Are you trying to make me a fool?

Of course, someone must have designed it

Newton slowly walked across the room to his friend.

As they stood in front of the model, Newton explained to his friend,

“This model is just a poor imitation of our wonderful universe. You know the laws and the precise order which govern our universe. I can’t seem to convince you that this model, does not have a designer or a maker. However, you have said many times that the solar system, which this model represents, ‘just happened.’

Now tell me, is that the logical conclusion of a scientist?”

“This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”

“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God, but who really thinks has to believe in God.”

We have a creator and He is our God 

It is difficult to prove there is no God but very easy to prove the existence of God because He is alive


Prayer over food

Once Smith Wigglesworth, the Apostle of God, went to Australia to preach the word of God.

He preached in the town hall and thousands were healed and many thousands were saved

After the Sunday service, the pastor of the church in Sydney, Australia; took Smith Wigglesworth for dinner to the finest restaurant in the city.


In the dining room, about 200-300 people were having their dinner and all were dressed very primly and proper.

Smith Wigglesworth and the pastor came inclassicpose

Smith Wigglesworth, as we all know, he himself is a very good-looking man, perfect in his dress and very dignified person.

He looked at the people who were having their dinner and he shook his head a little bit to them and then before the food was served to him, he took his pencil and took the glass of water and knocked the glass of water with his pencil

As the room was so silent, Everyone looked at Smith Wigglesworth


And Smith Wigglesworth said: ” I have observed, since being here, that you have not prayed over your food and that’s the way hogs eat, they don’t pray over their food

so, I will pray for you”

Now the pastor who took Smith Wigglesworth to that restaurant felt humiliated and his face turned as red as blood

But Smith Wigglesworth stood them and with a loud voice prayed to God to bless them and love them all and to sanctify their food to their bodies and to give them strength from the food that they might serve God.

And then he said Ladies and gentleman thank you and sat down.

And had his dinner.

But before they left the restaurant, 2 families accepted Christ and was saved.


George Muller

Once, while crossing the Atlantic on the SS Sardinian in August 1877, Muller’s ship ran into thick fog.



He explained to the captain that he needed to be in Quebec by the following afternoon, but Captain Joseph E. Dutton (later known as “Holy Joe”) said that he was slowing the ship down for safety and Müller’s appointment would have to be missed.

Müller asked to use the Chart room to pray for the lifting of the fog.

The captain followed him down, claiming it would be a waste of time.

After Müller prayed a very simple prayer, the captain started to pray, but Müller stopped him; partly because of the captain’s unbelief, but mainly because he believed the prayer had already been answered.

Müller said, “Captain, I have known my Lord for more than fifty years and there is not one instance that I have failed to have an audience with the King. Get up, Captain, for you will find that the fog has gone.

When the two men went back to the bridge, they found the fog had lifted, and Müller was able to keep his appointment. The captain became a Christian shortly afterward.

Müller’s faith in God strengthened day by day and he spent hours in daily prayer and Bible reading. 

Now that’s how we must deal with devil.


Once Smith Wiggles worth went to a bus stop and while he was waiting there he watched a woman who came to that same bus stop
Her pet dog followed her from her house and ran all round her feet.
She said to the dog, “My dear, I cannot have you with me today.”
The dog wagged its tail and made a big fuss.


She said, “Go home, my dear.” But the dog did not go.
At last she shouted roughly, “Go home,” and off it went.
Smith wiggles worth without his knowledge shouted Now that’s how we must deal with devil.

Some people deal with the devil like that, The devil can stand all the comfort you like to give him.
Cast him out! You are dealing not with the person, you are dealing with the devil.
Demon power must be dislodged in the name of the Lord.
You are always right when you dare to deal with sickness as with the devil.

There is power in the blood of Jesus

one day Reinhard bonnke was invited by a national television in africa for areligious discussion

So,he went to that studio; for his amazement the tv channel has only invited an athiest to participate in that show.

Bonnke was thinking why did they invite an athiest and an evangelist for the discussion;but he wanted to fight a good fight as the bible says 

This show was telecasted live nationwide

Athiest presented his views regarding religion and he asked reinhard bonkke a question 

“Bonnke you preached that there is power in the blood of Jesus”

Bonnke said yes I do.

Athiest told him but I donot believe there is such power in the blood of Jesus

Bonnke said why  do you say that

The blood of Jesus is already 2000 years in this world and the world today is worser than the world 2000 years ago

But the presence of the blood of Jesus on the earth for 2000 years has not made the world better

that is why say there is no power in the blood of Jesus

Bonnke replied;“Mister there is also soap in this world but yet many people are so dirty”soap-stock-photos_csp6331163.jpg

And let me explain to you how soap works if you dont know; If I am dirty and if I stand next to the soap i will not be cleansed automatically

Soap doesnt work no matter how close you get to it

And you wont be cleansed even if you work in a soap factoryBoy Washing Hands

SO this is what happens,If you want to know how soap works you have to reach out with your hand get that piece of soap and start to apply it all over your body

If you do this you will know that there is power in that soap and so it is also with the blood of Jesus

It is not enough to know about it, it is not enough to sing about it, it is not enough to preach about it, so mister if you reach out for the blood of Jesus and apply it to your sinful life, then something will happen to you that happen to hundreds and millions of peopledownload

then you will shout sing and praise there is wonder working power in the blood of Jesus.


when the show was completed and Bonnke went to take his car that same athiest came to him and said Bonnke will you pray for me



God does Creative miracles :)

One day at the prayer line where Oral Roberts was praying, there came a woman with her boy child who was in his crutches he was about 10 years old.

As usual Oral Roberts read their details in the prayer card and saw that the mother had brought her child in order that God will give him a new hip socket;because the boy was born without the hip socket so she brought him to oral Roberts meeting so that he will have a hip socket

Oral Roberts thought in his heart “God you will never do any creative miracles in this time period” and as he touched the boy’s hip he felt as flat as his hand

So Oral Roberts said, ” Mam I am sorry I don’t have the faith to pray for your son to get him a hip socket”

The women replied,” Oral Roberts I don’t ask you to have faith for my son, I asked you to pray I will do the believing.”

And when she said that the crowd erupted 

And oral said I will touch his hip and you said you will do the believing 

Oral then prayed for that boy, but the boy went down from the stage with his crutches as he came up there.

So Oral told to God; “God as I said  you will not do any creative miracles in this life time”

The next day;

Oral Roberts arrived to the tent to preach; suddenly his main man said Come on and see the boy has got a new hip socket

Oral said; “I don’t believe it”

He said “Come up then and see for yourself”

Oral saw the boy running up and down the stage and he said hold for a moment, and he put his hand on the boy’s hip and it was all filled in.

The mother testified that day she took the boy to the doctor who delivered him(who brought him in the world) and he says “He is having a new hip socket.”
